Bata fined Rs 9000 for asking customer to pay Rs 3 for carry bag The complainant told a Chandigarh consumer forum that by charging him for the bag, Bata was also endorsing its brand on the bag which was not justified. HIGHLIGHTS Consumer forum said compelling a customer to pay for a paper bag was a clear deficiency in service Forum said it was the store's duty to provide a free bag to the customer Bata India has been directed to provide free paper bags to its customers Bata India Limited has been told to pay Rs 9,000 to a consumer for deficiency in services. Acting on a complaint filed by the customer, a Chandigarh consumer forum has slammed Bata for asking the customer to pay Rs 3 for a paper bag. In his complaint, Chandigarh resident Dinesh Prasad Raturi, told the consumer forum that he had purchased a pair of shoes on February 5 from a Bata store located in Sector 22D. The store charged him Rs 402 which also included charges for the paper bag. Raturi told the forum that by ...