The simplest thing is to right-click inside a video and choose the 2nd option "Copy Video URL at Current Time"
Or if you want to know what’s going on behind the scenes:
-Take any video URL and append "&t=" to the end
-Then the number of second into the video you want to start
-So add "&t=30" to start 30 second in
If you have a long video use the following character to eliminate the math
s for seconds
m for minutes
h for hours
So to link to 1 hour, 2 minutes, 11 seconds:
-add "&t=1h2m11s"
Embedding is similar, but add "?start=" instead of "&t="
You can’t use the "h" "m" "s" time shortcuts, it all has to be in seconds so
Do a little math to get the time in seconds: 60*60*hours + 60*minutes + seconds=total number of seconds
-The first php variable in a URL has to be preceded by a "?", then subsequent ones are preceded by "&"
-If you don’t want to show related videos, notice that another php variable "rel=0" appears.
-So no you could append "&start=" since it’s the second variable
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